Sonny with a chance (Demi Lovato)
The series features a girl named Allison "Sonny" Munroe (Demi Lovato) from Wisconsin, who moves with her mother to California to shoot a sketch comedy So Random!. The series follows Sonny, her family and new friends in Hollywood and at the studio as Sonny will do her best to make new friends with the cast of the show, who all seem to like Sonny except for Tawni (Tiffany Thornton), because she does not want to share the spotlight with her. The show also revolves around the feud between the cast of So Random! and the cast of MacKenzie Falls, a popular teen drama show which stars Chad Dylan Cooper (Sterling Knight).
Tawni, Grady, Sonny, Chad, Zora, Nico (från vänster till höger)
Jag har själv sett nästan alla avsnitt, till avsnitt 11, alltså alla utkomna förutom två stycken.
Och i det 13:e avsnittet så kommer Demi Lovatos bästa vän Selena Gomez att vara med som
gäststjärna, avsnittet heter Battle of the Networks' Stars. Intro sången är sjungen av själva Demi
och heter So Far So Great.
Avsnittet beskrivs såhär;
Sonny and Chad both received a letter that they're the most famous stars,but they need to compete who is the most famous actor/actress by posting a blog. Chad hires Selena Gomez to play Sonny for the "Chad Dylan Cooper" but in the end she helps make Chad and Sonny realize that they do like each other. Nico and Grady want to go to a concert when Tawni wins two tickets online.
Källor: SelenaWeb, Wikipedia