Oyster #95: Logan Lerman Interview
Det har nyligen lagts upp en intervju som Logan gjorde med Oyster Magazine. Lermaniacs på tumblr har haft lite olika relationer på intervjun, och vissa tror inte att intervjun är sann. Själv gillar jag intervjun, det känns som att han öppnar upp sig lite mer för oss. Dessutom ser han underbar ut på bilderna.
As a male actor, do you suffer from body dysmorphia? Do you feel the pressure to get a six-pack?
I don't.
Do you have a six-pack? Can I see your stomach?
What? No! I don't work out [laughs]. Next question.
You're on a first date. Who pays and why?
Oh, I would always pay. Even for my friends. Even for, like, a girl who's just a friend. It's just the way I was raised.
Would you ever date, or make out with, or have sex with, a girl who is taller than you?
[Laughs] That's funny! That's hilarious! Yeah, definitely! There are a lot of girls I'm attracted to
who are taller than me.
Are your parents together?
No, they're divorced. But I'm very close with both sides of my family. They chose to live close to each other.
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